Young Professional Spotlight: Yasi Yarmo

Yasi Photo2

I had the pleasure of meeting Yasi Yarmo, an Environmental Engineering Associate at the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation Solid Resources Citywide Recycling Division. In a city with over 3.8 million people, 25-year old Yasi is the Used Oil Recycling Program Manager in the Residential Special Materials Program. Here are a few key highlights from the interview:

What type of used oil and household hazardous waste (HHW) programs does the City offer for its 3.8 million residents?

Yasi:  The City has a 24-hour hotline (1-800-773-CITY) where callers can obtain information on the nearest oil recycling collection centers. In addition, we hold over 30 used oil and filter collection events throughout the City where residents can bring in their used oil and used oil filter and receive a new filter and oil change kit for free. Events are usually held on Saturdays in the morning until the afternoon. We also hold mobile HHW, Used Oil Only, and Used Oil & E-Waste collection events throughout the year. Also, residents can drop by the City’s permanent collection sites called S.A.F.E. Centers (Solvents/Automotive/Flammables/Electronics), open every weekend. S.A.F.E. centers accept e-waste, used motor oil, and other HHW.

Balboa SAFE Center_front

Above: Nicole Bernson S.A.F.E. Collection Center on 10241 Balboa Blvd, Northridge, CA 91325

Hyperion SAFE Center

City staff collects HHW at the Hyperion Treatment Plant S.A.F.E. Center

How do you advertise the collection events?

Yasi:  Mailers are our most successful way to advertise the events. It also lets us control how many participants we will expect at our events. Having too many people can cause traffic and will increase wait times, which may frustrate people who don’t like to wait. Our general rule of thumb is that 1% of people who receive the mailers will attend the events. For example, we’ll send out 40,000 mailers to have approximately 400 people attend that event in their local area. Also, we try to hold the collection events at each location around the same time each year so that residents will look forward to the recycling routine.

Collection Event Postcard Example

The City sends bilingual collection event mailers to successfully advertise the events.

What are your biggest program challenges?

Yasi: In addition to planning collection events for residents, we also maintain oil tank facilities at the marinas in San Pedro and Wilmington. Encouraging boat owners at these marinas is one of my challenges. Boats have a lot of oil and oil filters, and illegal dumping at the marina is an issue. Some boat owners live in their boat, others don’t. I’m still researching the best ways to contact boat owners to educate and inform them of the City’s used oil recycling programs.

Marina Tank 2

The City maintains oil tanks at marinas in San Pedro and Wilmington.

What helped you transition/adjust into the solid waste industry?

Yasi: The “Project Green Leadership” (PGL) program at LA Sanitation helped me immensely. PGL is a recruitment program that includes on-campus interviews, information sessions, and mentoring. My mentor, Debbie Pham, is awesome. I contact Debbie regularly for advice.

April: Overall, I was very impressed with the City of LA’s special waste recycling programs. It was fun getting to know another Young Professional and touring the public works building. Special thanks to Yasi!

Related links:

LA City Sanitation “Project Green Leadership” program details:;jsessionid=y2oDHjRK-RaRZCoM6vWEEcJvo2qGNSfojmJ4WddNMNeXt74MrtR4!-241659897!377191697?_afrLoop=26449394469175553&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#!%40%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D26449394469175553%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3D10vczrb9wy_4

S.A.F.E. Centers:!


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